Contests/Challenges in shippers must ship fan group

Shippers-must-ship is the best!

I HAVE A CHALLENGE! Ok, ok all you artists out there. My challenge is for you to try to draw your shadow demon.

edit: please use #shadowdemon so I can keep track


ask. now.

Ask away!! TwT


OwO challenge thing! Just for fun! Find song lyrics that remind you of well you. Lol tag me in the post,if you decide to do this challenge, but if you do it in the comments thatā€™s fine too. Pls, add the song name. And itā€™s fine if you have more that one.

Wrath Tylerboi W.I.P

Ok, what should I draw with.

Ā  16 votes Voting finished

fan base categories :

The simps

The weird simps

The fans

The people that only followed me because I followed them

Which group are you in? ( comment!)

Describe me in 2 words! XD (T-T Iā€™m so bored )